Thank you for visiting our Order Tracking page. Please note that tracking history will only display once your order has been assigned a tracking number and shipped. If your order has not yet shipped, no tracking information will appear when you enter your order number.
Our Order Tracking page only provides shipment tracking history and does not display the current status of your order. For a more detailed view of your order’s status—whether it is still processing, shipped, delivered, refunded, etc.—we encourage you to register or log into your account and then view your Order History dashbord.
For a more accurate display of your order status, register or log into your account and then view your Order History. If you recently registered for an account using the same email address as your order and don’t see your order linked, it’s possible you checked out as a guest. Please contact us, and we’ll be happy to manually link your order to your account.
Orders begin with a status of “Processing,” which means that your payment has successfully cleared and your order is waiting to be fulfilled and shipped. If your order shows as “Processing,” there’s no need to worry—your order has been received and is simply in the queue for fulfillment.
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